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Tuesday, November 30

Fated today..
today started out great.. i met jocelyn and we both wore almost the same thing.. hahaa.. a black top with red 3/4 sleeves.. and im like woahh! and den when we met nazreen, guess what she was wearing? a red top with black tudung! hahaha! so today, we wore black and red all together.. and we didnt even plan on it.. one word.. AWESOMENESS!! hahahaa.. thats why this post is extra special being red.. i would put it in black but i dont think can read later.. =]

and den had thermo test which i was quite prepared for so the test was manageable.. woo! lets hope i can pass with flying colours!


~ { 8:45 PM }
Leaving the CITY;

Sunday, November 28

Happy 11th Post!
oh shitt.. i wanted to celebrate my 10th post but that was the loast post.. damnn.. oh well.. happy 11th post!

~ { 10:05 PM }
Leaving the CITY;

Wednesday, November 24

Those were the days..
Remember the times when i had grey eyes.. haix.. the days we spent together.. the irritation it gave me when i started to use them.. and the dryness i experience towards the end of the day.. sighh.. i miss them so so so much.. you wont be forgotten grey eyes!!

~ { 7:14 PM }
Leaving the CITY;

Tuesday, November 23

HI! And welcome to my blog.. Where i talk about stuff that happens to me..
hahaa.. saying all this coz apparently i have some new readers! cheyy.. hahaa.. damn that macbook.. but having a few more people know about this doesnt hurt.. as if they gonna come once in a while to check for updates.. you guys have lifes right? =]

anywayy.. my contacts broke.. it didnt even last for a month.. what a waste!! oh well.. it has been the best 2 weeks of my life when i had grey eyes.. heheh.. and i think i talk about contact lens wayy to much here.. should stop that..

i really should start studying now.. i mean its already week 6 of the new sem and i think my head is still in last semester.. i dont have that will to study and i dont know why.. i already thought i got the motivation.. which btw i only remembered now.. kk.. that should be my motivation from now on.. hopwfully studying can commence soon.. 3.0 GPA here i come!


~ { 11:02 PM }
Leaving the CITY;

Saturday, November 20

crapping.. is that a word? hmm..

okayy.. i have to do this more often.. but i dont have anything to blog about.. FML..
and i should just pass the idea of making this a community channel style blog.. hahaa.. forget that.. let this be about my useless rambling about what's happening and its usually nothing..

this week.. my confusion finally clears.. although its not the conlclusion i want.. but hey.. you cant always get what you want right? oh well.. i already know im terriible at this kind of thing.. so i shall be what im interpreted as..

btw, i just realised if someone were to read this (highly unlikely), they wont know what im talking about.. oh well.. hahaa..

had a test that was terrible.. didnt know a shit thats happening.. what really happened to me bucking up? the lazy disease! (<-- had to google how to spell that.. nicee.. sense the sarcasm ya..) i suffer from the lazy disease.. its a condition that makes you lazy.. thats simple enough.. should blogs be short or long? a fren told me to put pictures instead of writing so long.. but you need photobucket which im like whaaat? for now, let this be how it is.. i wan my next post to be about the characters in my head.. that should be fun.. =]


~ { 9:29 PM }
Leaving the CITY;

Saturday, November 13

almost forgot i had a blog.. i really want to update almost everyday coz its kinda fun.. but this week has been tiring!! i dont think i have enough time to write stuff everyday.. but i think its okay for now coz this blog isnt finalisedd just yet.. im not happy with the layout and all.. so once its done.. i think it'll be more fun to blog everyday.. short blogs..

anyway.. new stuff happened this week..i am really hoping more things can happen but its very hard to read.. should i ignore or just go with the flow.. you really shouldnt make thigs so complicated..

and ive been getting some pretty weird dreams.. weird dreams with a capital freaky.. i dont remember any specific detail but i know its weird.. should start washing leg before going sleep.. (does that really work?)

today marks the 1 week aniversary of me wearing my contacts.. woohoo.. may i have more weeks to come.. =]


~ { 10:46 PM }
Leaving the CITY;

Sunday, November 7

so the first day of wearing contact lens didnt turn out so bad.. although it got a little dry towards the end of the day.. but all in all.. i call it a success!
went to watch a malay theatre thing for the first time with ayu today.. i can honestly say i dont get the show half the time.. partly coz its in malay.. ayu had to translate some parts to me coz everybody was laughing and im there with the blur face..
also today was sort of like a culture shock coz its the first time in a long time im surrounded with so much malay ppl.. really wished i didnt look so malay back then.. how cool will that be.. hehee..

and i cant wait to see what happens later.. i do hope something happen and i wont bore ppl to death.. i need to be brave and strong.. lets just see..


~ { 12:24 AM }
Leaving the CITY;

Thursday, November 4

i think if you look in a dictionary and look up the word "confused", you'd probably see my face as the definition.. i really dont know whats going on.. at first you were like "this", then you were like "that". and now your like "this" again.. im the type of person to over anaylse everything, and i mean everything.. even puctuation in your messages means so much to me when i interpret it.. so what does this mean now?! my head is exploding with all these thoughts.. is it "this" or is it "that".. how am i suppose to act now? aarghh!! why is it so difficult to say what i wanna say to you.. to hell with that question.. even i know that.. its because im ME.. because im ME, its this freaking way.. why cant i just break out of my freaking shell.. chicks can do it.. and they are just born! wth! but this episode in my life is really turning into something.. i mean i never really thought i would be the type of person to put in so much effort and thoughts into this.. i mean me? the guy who is against this? the guy who keep cursing other people's joy? maybe thats why i cant experience it.. so am i the guy who watch other people be happy? and be the one in shadows hoping the same will happen to me?

okok.. so blogging is a way for me to express stuff.. the place where i can let out what's been bottled up.. there's more where that came from but i dont think im making any sense.. maybe its not suppose to make sense.. who knows ya.. thanks Idayu for the tip.. =]

~ { 10:26 PM }
Leaving the CITY;

Tuesday, November 2

okayy.. a bunch of things happen today..
but one thing stood out from the bunch.. followed frens to the contact lens shop, and ended buying 2 pairs for myself which cost $36!! im gonna have to starve in school coz i used some of it to buy.. but thats not the important thing..
the important thing is that at that shop, they sell this CRAZY lens that ive been always dreaming of getting for myself since god knows when.. and it costs $80!!!!! as if $36 wasnt a lot already.. but ive already made up my mind that im gonna buy that CRAZY lens from the moment i saw it.. now the question is how to get that money.. it would take a month of starvation to get that amount from my school allowance which i know i cant do.. the only practical reason is to find a job.. (as usual) so we'll see what to do.. i have two months to prepare coz that is when the contact lens expires.. what to do!!


~ { 8:23 PM }
Leaving the CITY;

Monday, November 1

woke up thinking it was a sunday coz my alarm didnt go off.. too bad its a monday, and waking up with the monday blues is a bad way to start of the week.. so took my time to get ready.. and by the time im all dressed, i got lazy to leave.. still had time to play game and eat breakfast.. and by then, the thought of skipping my one hour of school was already in my head.. that was when i realise that i had a small quiz!! STILL! i can play game.. hehee.. what a student am i..

~ { 9:44 PM }
Leaving the CITY;